3797 - W0QQQ

Timeframes are in UTC
Owner Jeff Sheldon
QTH Locator EM19re
Coordinates(lat, lon) 39.189°, -96.583°
Altitude 325 m
Min Horizon 15°
Antennas Cross Yagi (VHF) Cross Yagi (UHF) Helical (S)
Creation Date 1 day, 17 hours ago
Offline Never seen online
Uptime -

W0QQQ works to democratize space access and advance the hobby of amateur radio through education, advocacy, and participation in local, national, and worldwide events.
Future Passes
Name ⤉ ⇴ ⤈ Polar plot
Calculating Future Passes
passes found. Open all for scheduling.
Status Datetime Time since Change
Offline 2024-10-17 20:40:31 1 day, 17 hours ago